Dance Contract Forms
Applications for all guests must be submitted and approved by Assistant Principal, prior to purchasing a ticket.
- Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.
- All dance tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- Once a student has checked into the dance, they’re not allowed to go out & return; No ins & outs.
- Dress Code: Semi Formal to casual attire must be school appropriate. Any questions regarding attire should be directed to Ms. Johnson, Vanden Assistant Principal, prior to the date of the event.
- NO Alcohol or drugs: Anyone in possession of/or under the influence of a controlled substance will receive a 5-day suspension, parent, and police contact.
- Students must immediately comply with instructions given by Vanden Staff/Chaperone at the dance. There will be no warning for students engaged in prohibited forms of dancing.
- The following forms of dancing are prohibited:
- twerking, slam dancing, moshing, crowd surfing
- simulating sexual acts
- pushing, jumping, offensive or otherwise inappropriate, vulgar movements
- groping or touching other dancers inappropriately
- The determination of whether the style of dancing is inappropriate is completely at the discretion of the Vanden Staff Member/Chaperone and is not open to negotiation or discussion once a student has been observed and approached. Any other inappropriate dancing or behavior not listed here is also included.
All attendees must have a current photo I.D. to enter the dance. You must get a new school I.D. if you have lost yours, prior to the event. Forms of I.D. accepted are:
- School Issued I.D.
- Military ID or Passport
- Driver’s License, or State Issued ID Card.
- There will be no admittance 1 ½ hours after dance has begun
Any student observed violating any of the above Rules will be subject to the following consequences, without additional warnings:
- Removal from dance floor
- Removal from event
- Parent contact – possible Police contact
- Subject to additional school consequences
Download the dance contract below and return to ASB window.