The first week of school is the only week a student can request a schedule change. Students must complete a schedule change form (based on the reasons listed below) and turn the form into the counseling office by Wednesday, August 21, 2024. For any academic course change to take place, counselors will consult course selection forms, teacher recommendations, and course prerequisites. Schedule change requests that do not meet criteria below will not be processed. Acceptable schedule change requests will be made if master schedule allows, these changes are not guaranteed.
1. A course change will likely change your schedule; including periods and teachers.
2. Filling out the Course Change Request form DOES NOT guarantee a schedule change.
3. Students must follow their current schedule until a change is made.
4. Confirmation of schedule change will be viewable on AERIES or via new schedule delivered to your class.
5. Changes for teacher preference and/or period preference DO NOT meet criteria and will NOT be approved.
6. Please review the below reasons schedule/class changes are permitted, BEFORE filling out the Course Change Request form.
- Class Change: This is changing a course the student is enrolled in and substituting it for another offering. *Subject to class availability
- Class Additions: This is adding a new course to the schedule where one did not previously exist. *Subject to class availability and alignment with the students existing schedule i. 7 period day request are very limited and may not be able to be accommodated
- Level Changes: This is when a student changes from one level to another level of the same course (EX: Honors -> Regular). i. When requesting Honors and AP classes, we will check pre-requisites for the course to make sure students have met them.